Surrey Viking

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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Psychic abilities

Do you think you may have psychic abilities? Have you ever had a ‘reading’ and felt that you have been in contact with the other side??

Seeing this video from Derren Brown confirms my cynicism for mediums, clairvoyants, tarot card readers, tea leaf readers, and any other old twoddle that people use to tell you useless stuff, usually with the view of extracting money from you to do it!

When I was working at ‘the Bell’, there was a medium who used to come in for a drink with her husband. She had a business doing telephone readings, taking payment by credit card. How could she possibly know anything about people she had never met? Couldn’t see? I don’t believe she (or anyone else) can, but she did make good money from trying!! Only once did I bother to ask her if she had any ‘messages’ for me (she claimed to receive messages from the other side by her Native American (aren’t they always?) helper). She told me she saw me by fields and that there would be a dark haired man in my life. That’s it !!

Now, let’s examine the facts. She knew I worked on a pig farm in the countryside (as we had already established that her son was a farm worker at one of our farms), so countryside and farmland = fields. Not difficult. Then, a man in my life. She knew I was single because we had already talked about it, but a man in my life could mean anything that I chose it to mean. Possibly a new romantic interest (is that what I would want to think)? Or perhaps my dad? My boss? My neighbour? The man who fixes my car? Come on…..who doesn’t have a man in their life in some form??!! Ooh, dark haired – that’s more specific, isn’t it? Look around you. How many dark haired blokes are their – statistically far more than blond, ginger or green !! I’m glad I didn’t pay her for that information, as it was completely uninspiring, although was technically accurate! I could have guessed more about her !

Funnily enough, I bumped into this lady a couple of weeks ago. She was telling me of some difficulties she thought she may be having with her husband. Was he seeing someone else? Would he like to be? Etc, etc. We had a chat and I offered her some advise based on statistics and reality. Afterwards I thought – if she’s the one who knows what’s going to happen to people, why was she asking my advise?? Surely her Red Indian friend would be able to advise her on this? I was just telling her what I thought she wanted to hear….but then, isn’t that what she does for a living?



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