Surrey Viking

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Monday, October 29, 2007

How’s the new job going?

In case you are wondering (well, a couple of people have asked!) how my new job is going, I’ve been there for 3 months now (where has the time gone?). Being the professional company that it is, I had an official 3-month appraisal last week. This meant filling in a several page form, what I like, what I don’t, whether my talents and experience are being used properly (no rude comments allowed), what training I would like, how I see myself ‘moving forward’, and of course lots of space for my superiors to say things about me. VERY SCARY! When I started this job I was on 3 months probation, so everything depended on this interview to secure my job as permanent, and gain me the extra salary that had been promised if I did.

Well, what can I say! Top marks, top comments, gold star! Should I ever have doubted it? Phew!! My main role is doing the marketing for the company, even though both they and I know I have very little experience in this role. I am also part-time PA for the MD, so he gets to see most of the work I’m doing! (and yet still he was singing my praises).

I guess my extensive research on how to work in marketing really helped……


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