Surrey Viking

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Bank holiday weekend

It’s Britain. It’s a bank holiday weekend. So, the law of sod says that it must be cold and miserable. I had decided that I would invite my mum and sister over for a bar-b-que for the Sunday, and even though it was raining, windy and about 11 degrees, I decided to go ahead with the bar-b-que. I put my winter coat on, and stood in the rain to cook some very delicious steak and sausages. Obviously we sat indoors, with the heating on, but the food (and wine!) was lovely. On the Monday (ooh, how lovely not to be getting up early and going to work…!), Toni, Liddi and I hit Hull by storm and tried on just about every bikini there was in Primark. Even though it was even colder today (about 8 degrees!), the thought of only 4 weeks until our holiday in the sun, made us feel warm enough, and we managed to buy 5 bikinis between us, and a selection of t-shirts, etc. (Luckily no photo of me in a bikini!)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please could you do your next BBQ with your bikini on so we can all enjoy it !!

10:40 pm  

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