Surrey Viking

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Monday, February 23, 2009

Living in a building site

Sorry, no blogging for a while, but not because theres been nothing going on - to the contrary, lots been going on. My upstairs en-suite is very very nearly finished (toilet roll holder to put up and need to Danish oil the door) and the downstairs bathroom has been taken out completely and replaced with a new white suite, white tiles, new floor and a few more bits yet to finish off. How come 2 bathrooms have created mess and stuff throughout the whole house? Ok, so maybe because Im a little messy, but thats nothing compared to the mess my plumber, Brian, makes.

Brian said that the main bathroom could be done in 2 days. Maybe it could, but 3 weeks later, it is still unfinished. Nearly done, but not quite. Everything is still slightly leaking, and the new boiler cupboard needs finishing, but then it will be done and it will be FANTASTIC!

I already have all the cupboards and stuff for my new kitchen propped up in the dining room, so thats the next step. Maybe starting next week. Its such a nuisance having to go to work all week, and use all that time and energy that I could be using to finish my house!

I thought I would show you the photos so far.......before, building site, and nearly after.......


Blogger Mia said...

Ooh Jen it looks fabulous - I'm very sorry I'm not going to get to see it before you move! Like the flooring - vinyl? Looks like tile from here! And don't forget, now you have to buy only attractive-looking shampoo and bodywash bottles. Very important in such a stylish bathroom.

8:50 am  

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