Happy Mother's Day
Sunday was Mother's Day. I must admit that when I went out to look for a card, I felt rather sad that not only would mum not be able to read the card, but would also have no understanding of what it was all about! (saves buying a present though!!). James came with me to visit her and we took her out to the pub. As she becomes more mad, it becomes more of a challenge to take her out amongst the public, as she loves to talk to people (but of course they can't understand what she is saying, nor does she understand them), and she likes to go up to people and touch them - especially children and dogs. It can be a little scary for the children, and their parents, but I don't think the dogs mind. It can also be very amusing!!
I tend to forget that I'm a mum too - well, of course I don't forget that I am actually a mum, as I have Lydia living with me as a constant reminder, but what I mean is that I forget that Mother's Day applies to me also! Therefore, it was a lovely surprise for Lydia to bring me (and James!) a cup of tea in bed on Sunday morning, and then find she had been up earlier icing a cake she had made the previous evening. And a cheesecake! Fantastic - chocolate cake for breakfast. Cheesecake for lunch. Chocolate cake for afternoon tea. Mmm, what should I have for dinner?
Mmmmmm - do I spy a lime and ginger cheesecake?! I've been asked for that recipe and can remember almost all of it, but can't remember how much icing sugar goes in the marscapone - could you send me the recipe?
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