Surrey Viking

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Double birthday celebration

July 13th has always been a double birthday celebration - Mum's birthday and previously Sylle, and now James fills that double slot.

Mum was 70 this year. Time for a celebration! It's sad that her memory is now such that she didn't really understand what was going on, but nevertheless still a good excuse for a 'do'. Her care home had organised a separate room for a small family gathering for afternoon tea, with finger food and homemade cake! Toni was there with Rob and his parents, and I was there with Lydia.

Mia sent some beautiful flowers which were displayed in the centre of the table and Toni brought wine.

Mum clearly did enjoy herself - especially the cake and the wine, and all went very well.

It was also James' birthday but he had a long day working so was unable to come to mum's party. Instead we had a lovely romantic dinner at a very nice Italian restaurant in town.

Happy birthday to MUM and JAMES.


Blogger Mia said...

Glad the flowers came in time and looked nice - did mum get that scarf for her birthday too? Cake looks good. Mmmmm cake.

1:23 am  

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