Surrey Viking

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Thursday, January 03, 2008

Festive Holiday

Lots of people have had time off from Christmas to the New Year. I finished work at midday on Friday 21st December and am back to work on Thursday 3rd January. That’s ….er….lots of time off! Fantastic!!

So, what could I do? Indulge in a hectic social life….not very realistic! Spend loads of time shopping at the sales and spending loads of money? Tempting but no thanks.

So, I decided to start decorating my bedroom. It’s one of those jobs I’ve wanted to do. I know it would take more than a weekend and I haven’t had the time previously to tackle it. I need to remove the old wallpaper, which is the same stuff that was in my spare room (which I decorated in June), and I knew would proove tough and time-consuming. But once started, there was no going back!

So, I have now scrapped off all old wallpaper, filled in all holes (it’s an old house and best not disturbed really!!), sanded down, painted walls and painted ceiling. I’ve hated doing it all, but I like the results of my hard work. There’s still a bit more to do to make it look gorgeous, but the worst of the work has now been done and I’m so pleased.

The pleasurable part was that Lydia and I got to take a trip to Ikea on 31st December. We spent several hours there, soaking in the inspiration and being excited by the bargain prices, but the couple of things I wanted to complete my new bedroom we out of stock. Gutted! But….it means I have to go back again – soon!


Blogger Toni said...

Don't forget to post some photos of your 'new' bedroom. Can't wait to see what the wall paper looks like on the wall!! x

10:57 pm  

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