Most Miserable Day of the Year ?
Last Monday (22nd January) was supposed to be proven by scientists as the day that people feel the most miserable. Something to do with the fact that Christmas and the party season are well and truly over, the time that winter starts to hit hard and daylight hours are short, and the time that most people’s credit card bills start falling through their letterboxes.
I read that scientists have used the following calculation:
[W+(D-d)]xTQ MxNA
Q=time since a failed habit-kicking attempt
NA = the need to take action and control over something that will lead to a positive outcome for you.
So, were you feeling miserable? Do you think that scientists should get out more?
I heard it on the news on Monday morning and my first thought was that it would give lots of people the perfect excuse to be miserable, because it was expected of them! But then, that’s a pretty cynical and miserable thought!! Maybe instead we should have set up a collective group of cheerful people just to prove them wrong?
I wasn’t feeling miserable, but was I bucking a trend? In fact today (Tuesday), I feel very positive and cheerful (are we supposed to be miserable all week, or is it really just for the one day??). I suppose you have to look at the details used in the calculation.
Weather. We had wild weather last week, with gales causing havoc. Monday was pretty tame and nothing much to report. By Tuesday, the temperature had dropped and yes, it was cold (but surely we should expect that in January?), and we awoke to a layer of snow. Surely only the most miserable person looks at that beautiful sight and doesn’t remember the excitement they felt as a child waking up to snow? Travelling to work this morning, everything looked bright and white. The view from my office over fields and countryside was of soft white snow glinting under the sunshine and blue skies and looked magical. Billy Connolly said “there’s no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing”. So, wrap up warm and enjoy the weather!
Debt. Not all of us are silly with our money. I will admit that I did make a couple of purchases on my credit card, but nothing extravagant that I couldn’t afford, and only because I had an extended 0% interest period. My favourite web site is and I really can’t recommend it enough. I’ve already saved money on loads of things. I’ve just re-mortgaged my house, despite the recent interest rate rises, and still managed to get a very good deal. All thanks to Martin Lewis!!
New Year’s Resolution. Don’t make the same old resolutions that you’ve made before…and broken before. Accept and know your limits. If you really must make a resolution, make it something manageable and simple. One of mine is to walk more. So, even if I manage a walk once a week, or once a fortnight, I’m still sticking to my resolution. If you pledge to loose lots of weight/give up alcohol until Easter/eat 5 portions of fruit and veg a day…etc, etc., you know, all the usual stuff that people punish themselves with and that will not generally work and then just makes you feel you’re a failure, it does nothing for your confidence! Be realistic!! (or don’t make any, that way you can’t fail!).
Motivation. You will feel more motivated if you are feeling more cheerful. If you’ve already let the 3 things above weigh you down, then it may be hard to feel motivated. On the other hand, if you are not miserable about weather, debt and resolutions, then you could be feeling “ooh goody, it’s a new year, a new start, and chance to try something new or start something afresh. How exciting is that?
Need to take action to feel positive. Good advise. Good things rarely just happen while we are sitting back making no effort. I was listening to the radio the other day and a ‘life coach’ was reminding us that everybody has the ability to make a difference in their own lives. In fact they are the most likely person to make a difference, so what are we waiting for? Identify what you feel negative about or what you need to change and set about making a difference in your life. We may feel that we are stuck in such a job/house/relationship because that’s the way it’s always been and that it’s not our fault. However we CAN make a difference if we want to. Start with one small step, then another, then another, until you feel more positive and more in control of your own life. Think to yourself “do I want to make a difference in my life, or am I going to let myself stay in this rut?”. May the force be with you!!
If that wasn’t enough to make you feel more positive, think about these other news stories reported this week :
- Cynicism link with heart disease
- Chronic stress and depression linked with higher risk of stroke and heart attack.
On that cheerful note (!), I wish you all good luck for 2007. (Year of the Pig)
Let me know how it goes!