Surrey Viking

Welcome to my world, my thoughts, my opinions, my experiences. Not all of them. Obviously. Some things I don't want to share. For everything else, read my blog. Comments are definitely encouraged!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Change of life

…, it’s not what you think! I not at that stage of life (!) yet, but I have made the decision to change my working life. Tomorrow is my last day working in an office and being employed. In March, I will be starting my own business – working for myself. Yippee. I am investing in an Ovenu franchise opportunity to offer a professional oven valeting service to domestic households in and around Beverley and Hull. I will be given full training and will be an owner/operator based at home, with a fully equipped, fully signwritten van to visit households in my local area.

An Ovenu franchise is a simple to manage business with low overheads from an established, proven franchisor with over 100 existing, successful franchisees around the UK. The business requires no previous experience and has a proven demand from a large potential client base and excellent earning ability in my own exclusive and protected territory which has approx 55,000 households – each one a potential customer! I only need to secure less than 1.5% of customers from the total available and this would achieve my target earnings.

I’m really excited about my new venture, and getting my van, and working for myself.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010


Last Saturday, James & I joined my sister Toni and her new fiancé, Rob at a local pub to congratulate them on their recent engagement. Rob had chosen a ring (very brave!) and surprised Toni with a marriage proposal on 21st January. We brought them traditional presents – toblerone and dishcloths, and raised our glasses to their future happiness. They are hoping to arrange a wedding sometime this year at the United Reformed church in Hornsea, which has family connections for Rob, so we await further details of how the preparations are going……