Surrey Viking

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

Spring has arrived!

It’s so lovely to see bulbs planted last year, bursting into colour and adding life to the garden. I took these pictures today in my garden.

I have been trying to grow rhubarb for the last 2 years with cuttings (is that the right word when they are a piece of, rather than a cutting from?) from my dad’s very prolific rhubarb. I’ve not been successful and have managed to kill off several plants. Today, I spotted a small shoot of rhubarb pushing up through the earth in my garden – yippee! - so I have lovingly surrounded it by well-rotted manure (freely available from my place of work!) which I know really helps, as I saw it on Gardener’s World a few weeks ago.

Here’s looking forward to my first home-grown rhubarb crumble!! Yum

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