Surrey Viking

Welcome to my world, my thoughts, my opinions, my experiences. Not all of them. Obviously. Some things I don't want to share. For everything else, read my blog. Comments are definitely encouraged!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

GCSE results

August 23rd saw the release of GCSE results. Obviously, I expected Liddi to achieve good results. So, here’s what she got:

Art A* (no suprises there!)

Science (double award) AA

Textiles A

French A


English Literature A

English Language B

History B


History B

Maths C

Added to the 2 she took early last year……that’s a load of qualifications ! Well done, Liddi !

Let me introduce……

Ok, ok, so I’ve lived life as a single girl for a while….well a few years…..well lots of years….but I’ve finally found a gorgeous man who makes me happy and is brave enough to take me on! You might be surprised, but no-one is more surprised than me! Here's the info.......


Age: 39 (yes, toy boy!)

Star sign: Cancer

Looks: Short brown hair, blue eyes

Height: not too big, not too small

Dress sense: getting better!

Favourite food: prawns, salad, fruit, anything cooked by me (yum)

Favourite drink: red wine, real ale - all in moderation (unless I lead him astray!)

Job: Pig salesman (somebody has to)

Home territory: A farm near Malton, North Yorkshire

GSOH, NS, chatty, enthusiastic, open minded, intelligent, strong, brave (to choose me?!!)