Surrey Viking

Welcome to my world, my thoughts, my opinions, my experiences. Not all of them. Obviously. Some things I don't want to share. For everything else, read my blog. Comments are definitely encouraged!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Yuletide festivities

Neither James nor I had a works Christmas party this year – seems like the credit crunch has given many companies the excuse to cut any extra spending on employees! So, we decided to start the festive season with an ex-ACMC alternative Christmas dinner with the friends we have kept in touch with since we all worked there together. It’s funny how sometimes you get on better with people after you no longer work together? And, it was a good chance for us to entertain in our new house! As James was the only person still employed at ACMC, he was excited to be able to spill the news of his imminent departure and tell all about his new job which starts in February*! It also meant we got the house nicely decorated for Christmas, and finished off a few tidying & DIY jobs outstanding!

We did also have our salsa Christmas party on 18th December so we got the chance to dress up and go out dancing. It was a very snowy/icy night, but luckily we were able to walk to the venue in Beverley. When we left the party at midnight, we picked up Liddi from Ben’s house nearby and walked home. The snow had been falling steadily for 2 days and she and Ben had been out earlier onto the Westwood and excitedly built a big snowman, so we had to go and see it (as snow doesn’t usually last long in England) – even though it was 12.30am and we were dressed for partying !

Unusually, we had a very snowy Christmas this year. Snow started on 17th December, and continued on and off for about 3-4 weeks. It does make everything look bright and beautiful and is great fun – unless you have to travel around by car! We English are so unprepared for snow, that it causes chaos and the country just grinds to a halt!

My sister Toni was spending Christmas in Hornsea with boyfriend, Rob and his family so she joined me for Christmas eve lunch (I baked homemade brocolli, asparagus & stilton quiche – super gorgeous). Then James and I went to see mum. She was a little subdued, and watching a film on TV (very unusual for mum). I brought her a gift of a shirt, but as with small children, she seemed more interested in the wrapping paper. I couldn’t help thinking about all the previous family Christmases with all us girls & our children gathering at mums house, and the fact that so much has changed with mum in just a few years, which did make me feel a little sad.

Christmas day was good. Just 4 of us - James, me, Liddi and Benji (my nephew). We had some very delicious roast beef, with all the trimmings, and all the fun. Later that day, we managed to drag Benji out for a walk on the Westwood – in the snow – so James & I could test out the new ski jackets we bought for each other (very good idea, given the weather!). Mia is now in Canada. She emailed a quiz (which we were all rubbish at !!) and it was great to get a call from her also. Dad & Jacqui like to take a holiday at Christmas and this year had pushed the boat out with a Caribbean Cruise. His text from St Lucia confirmed it was very warm and sunny and the obligatory over-indulgence was going well! Perhaps next year we will go away somewhere? (seriously considering the invitation to Canada, Mia!).
On boxing day, James took his kids to stay with his parents for 2 days. I joined them at the farm for lunch on boxing day, and Liddi was back at work! (sale starts – people love to shop!). They had loads of snow at the farm, all fresh and untouched, so it was perfect for sledging. The sheep kept well out of the way!

On Monday 28th December we also made a short break down south. By the time we joined the M25, I called my friend, Caroline and were invited a lovely, improptu dinner at her place. Great fun! At the last minute, Liddi decided to come too, and my friend Rowena very kindly offered to put her up. Liddi was thrilled as it meant that she could spend time with Ro’s girls, Grace (8) and our Godchild, Florrie (6). They had fun at the outdoor ice rink at Hampton Court while we were busy doing other things and then we all went out for dinner. It was great to see Ro, Chris and the girls and catch up on old friends and new plans. Before heading back North, we took the train into London and spent a day soaking in the vibrancy and diversity of Covent Garden, China Town and other places along the way. Liddi managed to find lots of shops to tempt her to part with her money – stationery shops are especially gorgeous and tempting, don’t you think?

Back to Yorkshire in time for New Year’s Eve, we didn’t really feel like wild partying, so instead had a yummy meal at home (chicken stuffed with boursin & spinach & wrapped in ham, cooked in wine and crème fraiche – my speciality & very, very delicious). Liddi then went out to a party and by 11.30, James & I decided to venture into town and popped into Nellies**. Someone had brought party poppers and the locals were friendly, despite a little confusion over when exactly it was midnight! The next day, James’s parents joined us for a delicous slow-roast pork lunch and a relaxing day with a good walk around Beverley.

All too soon, back to work – where did the time go?

* James did get invited to a party with his new employer in December, even though he doesn’t start the job until Feb! It was a fancy dress party with an agricultural theme. James’s cow costume went down a storm!

** Nellies is a pub named after a previous landlady. The actual pub name is the White Horse is is well known for being in a bit of a time wharp, still with gas lamp lighting, warm open fires, and lots of separate cosy rooms with un-modernised furnishings. Worth a try if you are coming to visit!