
I have just booked tickets for James & I to see Stevie Wonder on his European tour - at Manchester. I dont go to many concerts, but this one I just couldnt resist!! Its on Friday 3rd October.
In fact, I have seen Stevie many years ago - probably about 20 years ago, when I took my sister, Mia (as a mere child). It was her first concert, and what a first!
Oooh, I am very excited. Manchester is just over 2 hours away, so Ive also taken advantage of the good deals with Travelodge (£29 per room) just 3 miles from the concert venue, so we can make the most of the evening.
Right, better get packing for my holiday tomorrow. What does one bring on a caravanning holiday in North Yorkshire? (answer: everything for every eventuality and weather condition!)